Working with the moon

The moon 

The moon has held a significant place in many cultures, calenders, rituals and mythology for centuries and will continue to do so for centuries to come. In witchcraft, the moon is seen as a powerful source and influence. Her different phases are asscociated with specific energies and magical workings. You allign your magical work with the fases of the moon. For instance, a love spell is best cast during the waxing moon to attrack positive (incoming) energie towards it, while a banishing spell is best practiced during a waning moon to get rid of the negative energie involved. Witches hold Esbat rituals during a full moon, to celebrate the moon’s influence and to harness her power. The moon is seen as the feminine source while the sun is the masculine source. Together they are in balance, but also duality. This balance and at the same time duality are vital concepts in various belief systems.You can observe the 3 forms of the godess that you can connect with in the moon fases Maiden (New moon) Mother (full moon) and Crone (Waning Moon) 

Some facts 

In contruary to the sabbats, the moon fases are the same all around the world. So, if we see a full moon in England or the Netherlands, the full moon is seen at the same time in Africa as well. How much is visible of the moon depends on the position of the sun and the moon to the earth. A 100 procent full moon is done in a few seconds, but it stays almost full and  visuable full for around 3,5 days. In withcraft, we can work with the full moon phases for three full days. We always see the same side of the moon because the moon rotates as fast on her own axis as she does around the earth. That doesn’t mean that the “back” of the moon never catches light. With a new moon the back of the moon is completly lighted by the sun. The moon travels around the Earth in a oval shaped orbit, so it does not always have the same distance from the earth. This is the reason that the moon sometimes seems and is closer to the earth. Similair to the earth the moon has quakes. They are caused by gravitational interactions with the earth. 

Moon, the child of the earth

Scientists believe that the moon evolved from the earth around 4,5 billion years ago. When a rogue planet collided with the, then still young earth, a huge amount of material was ejected into space, forming the moon. Without the moon the days on earth would be shorter. The moon’s gravitational pull slows down the earth’s rotation, giving us 24 hour days. If there would be no moon, the days would be 6 houres long. 

Without the moon, earth would be totally difference. Besides the shorter days, without a moon there would be:

Change in Tides: Tides would be much weaker, only driven by the suns gravity.

When the sun, moon and the earth are in alignemnt witch happens during the new or full moon. It has a effect on the lunar tide. It creates spring tides. This is becouse the gravity of the sun enhances the moon’s gravitational pull during this allignments. So a spring tides only accurs on a new or a full moon. The gravitational forces combine to pull the oceans water in the same direction

Increased meteorite impact, The moon acts as a shield for the earth. She interecepts and absorbs meteorites. So the moon protects us.

Different climate: The moon stabilizes the earths climate. Without her it would be much harder to live on earth. 

Loss of her influence: Many aspects of human cultur and mythologie are tied to the moon. 

Changes in astronomy, the moon plays a central role in our understanding of astronomy and the way we study celestial bodies in the night sky.

In short the mooon’t presence has a profound impact on the earth, influencing everything from our daily lives to the planets overall habitability.

Fact or legends

The phases of the moon have inspired countless legends, folk tales, magic practices and events. For instance the word lunatic comes from the Latin word lunaticus which means moonstruck or of the moon. It is believed by many that the moon phases influenced human behavior. Research on the influence of the moon has been a topic for a long time. Scientist say they can not find strong evidence to support significant lunar effects on human behavior, but our local hospital even hires a extra nurse on the maternity departement during a full moon. Research and influences involves around aspects like crime rates, hospital admissions, sleep patterns and pychologie and behavior during the moon fases. In my opinion it is very clear that the moon plays a big part in our lives and moods. If you live and watch the phases of the moon, you can align yourself better and use the energie to your advantace for a better and more succesfull live. In the opinion of scientist the idea of the moon having a influence on human behavior is a cultural or folkore belief rather then a scientifically supported phenomenon. Whatever way you look at it, there has been legends and interaction around the moon phases for as long as there have been people, and that has a reason. For the non-believers, i have a tip. Go out into nature during a full moon and just sit and watch and try to feel her. She will influence you, i promise. 

Why does the moon have influence? 

Even though scientists can not come to a solid conclusion considering the influence of the moon on various aspects of life. The concept has been around for centuries and is often associated and implemented in folklore, culture beliefs and the way people fill there time and what they do during the moon fases. I am in full belief that influences me, cause i can feel it in every aspect of my body and soul if i follow the cycle of the moon. And i with that belief i will give you some aspects to consider

1. Tides, The most well known and proven effect of the moon is its influence on ocean tides. The moon’s pull causes the tides to rise and to fall. A human being most present building material is … water!

2. Biological Rhythms. The human body contains a huge amount of water and other fluids, it is not more then logical that the moons gravitational pull influences our body. With us consisting mainly out of water the moon influences our sleeping patterns, moods, periods of a woman, and also our psychology. 

3. The word lunatic (moon struck) is not come into existance without a reason. Full moons are asscoiated with more energie and strange behavior, from the legends about wherewolfs till the increase in crime and birth rates.

Our bodies hold liquid / blood / water / lymph and the moon controls the water witch you can see with the spring tides and the sea. So it is only logical that it influences our body, brain and not to forget: mood. 

Even more details

History: ancient civilisations, like the egyptians and mesopotamians and let’s not forget the druids! observed the moon phases and intergrated it into their daily lives and religious practices. The moon is associated with many deities and plays an central role in a lot of mythologie. 

Astrology: While exploring the influence of celestial bodys on human life and personalities the position of the moon plays a central role. It represents a persons emotional nature, instincts and responces. 

Implemeted at life: Like the example i gave before, our local hospital hires a extra nurse during a full moon. In some cultures it is believed that certain activities, like planting crops should be done at certain moonfases. 

Reseach: Even though scientist claim they think it is a placebo effect there are changes in behavior based on lunar phases, so even scientist can not be sure :)! 


The total time it takes the moon to orbit around the earth is 28 days. During this time, we have 8 moonfases, with 4 of them being the main phases of the moon. For witchcraft we don’t use them all but and we consider the dark moon, witch the scientific view doesn’t do.  I will first mention the fases that we recognize scientifically. 

Primary phases 

New Moon 

The beginning of the lunar circel. The moon is positioned between the earth and the sun. 

First quarter 

Also known as waxing,the moon is showing more and more of herself each day

Full moon 

During a full moon, the earth is exacly located between the sun and the moon. The entire moon is visible. 

Third Quarter Moon

Also known as waning. The moon is slowly becoming less visible in the sky. 

Intermediate phases 

Waxing Crescent Moon 

A small part of the moon is showing.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 

More then half of the moon is showing.

Waning Gibbous Moon 

The moon begins to wane.

Waning Crescent Moon 

The last phase before the new moon.

Also worth mentioning 


The moon is closer to the earth, it appears bigger and brighter in the sky. A full supermoon gives extra power to your magic. It carries intensified energies and influences people and magic more then during a “normal” full moon. A supermoon increases intuition and can be used to focus on personal growth and to set powerfull intentions. 


The moon has a reddisch tint to it. There are many storys of it being a bad omen or a sign of a significant event. The red colour can be associated with fire and transfomation. Let go of old patterns, habits or energies that no longer serve you. During a blood moon it is said that you can make a stronger connection with a god or goddess (deitiy) It is a good time for divination and meditation. 

Blue moon

“once in a blue moon” an expression that we all know. It is a rare event when 2 full moons occur within the same calender month. Magic is amplified and it certainly gives extra power to full moon work like charging crystals and making moon water. 

Magic work and the moonfases

The moon phases are extremly important to keep in mind if you want to practise any form of magic. The moon influences our lifes in a big way. According to what magic you want to do, look up the moon phases and plan to do it at the right time. During a dark moon, if you can prevent it do not even send healing, as it might have the opposite effect of what you plan it to have. As a witch you work with 5 moon fases.