People represented by the Pentacles card typically have darker hair or a darker complexion. You can think about Mediterranean, Asian, or Gypsy individuals. Characteristics related to personality are always more important than their appearances. So, if you recognize a person with the characteristics but who doesn't match the described appearance, the card can still be relevant to them. The Queen of Pentacles represents a woman above 18.


  • A big resemblance to the "Empress card" Abundance, fertility, and maternal energy.
  • Hares, Fertility and growth.
  • Blooming nature and fruits on the tree she is sitting at, prosperity.


This person is caring, grounded, and sensible. She loves nature and animals and gives good advice. She has nurturing and supportive energy, resembling the abundance, fertility, and maternal qualities. The symbolism of hares and the blooming nature further emphasizes her connection to growth, fertility, and prosperity.