Cord-Cutting Ritual

Cord-Cutting Ritual 


  • Two candles (colors of personal significance or intention)
  • A cord or string
  • Incense and an incense holder
  • Lighter/matches


Prepare Your Space:

Choose a quiet and undisturbed space for your ritual.

Light incense to purify the space before beginning the ritual. / lesser banishment of the pentagram 

Cast the circle 

Call in the elements 

Ask your personal deity (if you have one) for protection 

Set Your Intentions

 Focus on your intention for the cord-cutting ritual. Clearly visualize the energetic connection you wish to sever. Feel the emotions and energy associated with it.

State your intention aloud, expressing your desire to release and let go of any ties that no longer serve your highest good.


Take the cord or string and place it between the candles, symbolizing the connection you intend to sever. As you do this, visualize the cord representing the energetic ties between the individuals.

Light both candles, signifying the activation of the ritual. Let the flame of the candles burn the cord as well as the connection 

The Cutting 

As the candles burn, focus on the flame and the energy you wish to transform or release. Imagine the cord slowly burning away.

Allow the candles to burn until they naturally extinguish.

Closing the Ritual:

Express gratitude to any higher power, deity, or the universe for assistance in this process.

close circle thank the elements send back the power you did not use. 


Take a moment to reflect on your experience. Consider your thoughts and feelings.