The Hermit card in the Tarot presents a scene that bears a striking resemblance to the scene in the 0 card, The Fool. However, in this card, the figure holds a guiding light and observes from the cliff. Has the Fool evolved?


  • Shabby Clothes but Brand New Shoes: The Hermit's shabby clothing and brand new shoes suggest that his appearance is a matter of choice, not necessity.
  • Staff: The staff represents knowledge and wisdom.
  • Light: The guiding light symbolizes illumination and showing the way.
  • Pointy Cliffs Covered with Snow: The snowy, pointy cliffs indicate a challenging path, but the lantern lights the way.


  • Take time for introspection and solitude.
  • Return to your source.
  • Reconnect with your spiritual path and let the guiding light show you the way. Your path is illuminated.

The Hermit card encourages you to take a break from the outside world, engage in introspection, and rediscover your inner wisdom and spirituality. It represents a journey inward, much like the evolution of the Fool, but now with a guiding light.