The first thing my lovely teacher, Layla asked with this card was, what do you see that is special. And I could not find it. The rider of the chariot is not holding any leashes to the horses, he is just playing his harp and doesn't seem to mind having no control.


  • No Holding of the Leashes to the Horses: The absence of reins symbolizes a lack of control.
  • Harp: The presence of the harp indicates a focus on music and creativity.
  • White and Black Horses: The combination of white and black horses signifies the duality and balance in life.
  • Golden and Silver Harness on the Horses: The golden and silver harnesses on the horses represent wealth and knowledge.


  • - Reclaim control in your life.
  • - Seek more balance and harmony.
  • - Focus on your goals and take the reins of your destiny.

The Chariot card encourages you to regain control, achieve equilibrium, and direct your energies toward your objectives.