The Lovers card shows harmony, balance, and unity in a loving relationship. It portrays two people one male and one female,  the side of the man in the card has alot of male symbols and the side of the woman alot of female symbols. 


  • Mountains: The mountains, with one side having peaks and the other side not, represent a balance between masculine and feminine energies.
  • Sun and the Moon: The presence of the sun and the moon signifies the balance of male and female energies. It represents the balance between day and night, light and dark.
  • Tree: On one side, there's an apple tree, symbolizing the feminine aspect, and on the other side, there's an oak tree, symbolizing the masculine aspect. 
  • Animals: The crow on the woman's side, a messenger of the gods, represents communication and wisdom. On the man's side, the butterfly symbolizes transformation and change.
  • Nature: The planted crop on the man's side signifies growth and abundance, while the green and blooming grass on the woman's side represents fertility and the nurturing aspect of the woman.
  • Figures: The man and woman in the card are content, happy, and in a state of balance. Their love and trust for each other are clear.


  • The Lovers card represents the idea of balance and harmony within a loving relationship. It signifies the union of opposites and mutual trust. This card suggests a connection or partnership based on love, trust, and compatibility. 
  • It can also symbolize any strong, harmonious partnership or a choice that involves a deep connection, such as a significant life decision or a moral dilemma. It signifies the importance of unity, choices made from the heart, and the potential for deep, meaningful connections in one's life.