The Empress represents abundance, creativity, and femininity, with a focus on creation and joy. 

The Empress card portrays a scene of abundance and creativity. It is strongly associated with the feminine aspect, often linked to pregnancy, but it also carries a subtle warning.


  • Weather: Summer/Spring: blue skies, blooming flowers, and green grass signifies the seasons of growth, fertility, and abundance. It represents a time of flourishing and prosperity.
  • Symbol of Venus: The symbol of Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty, and femininity
  • Horn of Plenty: The horn of plenty represents abundance and the bountiful gifts of the Earth. It suggests a time of plenty and prosperity.
  • Spinning Wheel: The spinning wheel symbolizes both creativity and the weaving of the threads of life. Engraved star signs on the wheel represent the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all living things.
  • The Figure (Pregnant): The central figure, clearly pregnant and content, symbolizes the act of creating life. It represents the nurturing and maternal aspects of femininity.
  • Flower (Poppy): The poppy flower signifies the dual nature of creation, representing both life and death. It serves as a reminder of the potential risks and challenges that come with the act of bringing life into the world.
  • Mountains: The calm, shallow peaks in the background reflect a sense of tranquility and femininity. They contribute to the overall sense of peaceful abundance.
  • Weeds: The presence of weeds suggests the concept of growth and creation, representing the continuous cycle of life and renewal.
  • Tree (Silver Birch): The silver birch tree is often associated with the divine and the goddess. It symbolizes a connection with nature and the sacred, highlighting the nurturing and life-giving aspect of the Empress.


The Empress card carries several meanings, including pregnancy and the creation of life. It is a symbol of creativity, abundance, and the cyclical nature of existence. It encourages embracing the nurturing and feminine qualities within oneself and appreciating the beauty and abundance in life. However, it also serves as a gentle warning of the potential risks and challenges that come with creation and birth, emphasizing the dual nature of this process. In Tarot readings, The Empress often suggests a time of growth and prosperity and encourages the exploration of one's creative and nurturing side.