The Karma card, you will get what you deserve and people that did stuff to you will get their karma as well.


  • Naked woman rising from a fire like a phoenix: Symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and transformation. The phoenix rising represents the cycle of life and death.
  • Sign language for love: The gesture emphasizes the importance of love and compassion in the process of judgment.
  • Phoenix behind her: Represents a powerful and transformative experience, reinforcing the theme of rebirth.
  • Fire, yellow colors, bright: Symbolizes purification and the intensity of the transformative process. Yellow colors convey energy, positivity, and enlightenment.


  • Justice for those who hurt you: The Judgment card signifies karmic justice, indicating that those who have caused harm will face consequences for their actions.
  • Rise from your ashes: Emphasizes personal transformation, renewal, and the ability to overcome challenges and start anew.
  • Transformation: Represents a profound change, suggesting the opportunity for personal growth.
  • You will get what you deserve: Implies that the outcome will be in accordance with your actions, emphasizing the law of cause and effect or karma.