The card of deception its themes are deception, hidden truths, and the importance of seeing beyond surface appearances.


  • Dog and wolf howling at the moon: Represents the wild and domesticated aspects of human nature, with howling symbolizing a desire for more than what one has.
  • 2 stones (stone circle) / ritual: A connection between the earthly and spiritual realms, hinting at the presence of rituals or sacred practices.
  • Reflection of the moon in the water: Symbolizes illusion, indicating that things are not as they seem. The moon's reflection in the water is deceptive and distorts reality.
  • Mist and green fields: Mist suggests a lack of clarity, while green fields symbolize growth. Together, they imply that not everything is visible or understood clearly.
  • Ripples in the water: Indicate disturbance or hidden emotions, suggesting that there is more beneath the surface than meets the eye.
  • Scorpion (water and land creature): Represents duality and transformation, symbolizing hidden dangers or secrets that can exist in both the visible and unseen realms.


  • Barking at the moon, always wanting more: Reflects a persistent desire or yearning for something beyond reach, potentially driven by primal instincts.
  • Deception:The Moon card is associated with illusions and deceit
  • Not seeing things the way they truly are: Indicates a distorted perception of reality and encourages a deeper understanding of situations.
  • Things being kept from you: Hidden information or secrets that may impact one's understanding of a situation, emphasizing the need to be aware of it.