Where people think Death is the worst card in the tarot, well, no, folks. The Tower is a card I personally do not like to see in any reading. It signifies a big fall is coming; you can see it—the tower is burning, a storm is at full rage, and there is no other escape than to jump off. Where will they land? In the raging waves or on the hard cliff to their death? Is there still hope? Yes, you can see a small patch of light in the background of the dark skies; there is always hope. But for now, there is despair current or coming.


  • Dark colors - threat, despair, negativity.
  • Fire in the tower - threat, choosing between two evils, no way out.
  • People jumping out of the tower - Leap of faith, probably to doom, or might there be a softer landing?
  • Raging waves - threat; you can survive in water, but will you when it is raging this way?
  • Black cliffs - threat; if you fall on them, it is probably the end.
  • small patch of light - Despair everywhere except in the small patch of light in the corner of the card where the clouds seem to disappear a bit.


  • Something that was never meant to be in the first place.
  • No strong foundation.
  • Catastrophic event.
  • A situation breaking a person on their knees; a fall from a position, a relationship, or an event.