The Temperance card is a representation of balance, it carries a message of healing and harmony. The Temperance card is the healing card. 


  • The orbs being juggled, symbolizing the act of balancing different aspects of life.
  • The wings, suggesting the presence of an archangel or a higher being, signifying divine guidance.
  • One foot in the water and the other on land, a  balance between emotions and the material world.
  • The sun rising behind the mountains, symbolizing hope and renewal.
  • The retreating mist from the mountains, representing the emergence of new perspectives and fresh opportunities.
  • Flowers and greenery, signifying growth and prosperity.


Balance and neutrality. It encourages you to remain impartial and refrain from taking sides in conflicts or disputes. Instead, it advises you to be a supportive and considerate presence, offering guidance and advice when necessary. Like the act of the figure in the card juggling the orbs, you are reminded to find harmony in your life. If this card comes up it can also be a sign that if a person is sick, better times are coming.