The Death card, despite its initial intimidating appearance, holds a beautiful  symbolism that brings a message of transformation and renewal.


  • The birch tree, which is connected with the divine and the goddess, symbolizing the connection with life-giving aspects in life.
  • The white rose, representing purity and the potential for new beginnings.
  • The red robe, signifying  blood and life force.
  • The butterfly, a symbol of transformation and change, signifying the shedding of old ways.
  • Green leaves, promising new life and fresh beginnings, a continuation of the life cycle.


The end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. It serves as a guide, showing the way to a new story or chapter in life. It emphasizes the idea that transformation and change, although sometimes challenging, are necessary for growth and evolution. Like the changing of seasons, the Death card reminds us that in endings, there is the potential for new and beautiful beginnings.