Northern Hemisphere Date: December 21

Southern Hemisphere Date: June 21 

Yule (Midwinter) Winter Solstice

The shortest day and the longest night. The Oak King wins the fight! From this moment on, the days will get longer, the cold will not leave immediately, but there is a promise of light to come. We decorate the tree that is evergreen with light to ask back the light. Welcome life and light into your house and in your circle. The promise of the light returning and the asking for the light to return. Winter solstice has been celebrated around the world for thousands of years. The sun (the god) is reborn at Yule. It will take some time for him to gain his strength, and he is not in his full power yet, but the promise of renewal is there.

Things to do

  • Make fire, that can be candles, a Yule log, or a campfire; all around fires will burn, a representation of the light that will be back!
  • Enjoy the company of your (chosen) family; sit around, eat, and celebrate the end of the dark days.
  • Give and receive presents.

Fun facts

  • The story goes that the morris dancers originate from re-enacting the fight between the Oak King and the Holly King that is re-enacted during rituals.
  • All around the world, people buy their Christmas trees, most not knowing that it is a heathen tradition; it is fun to tell the story about where that came from! :)