
There are 4 classic elements being earth, air, fire and water. Together they are the materials the world is made off, the source of life and all beings. The 5th element is the element of spirit. Spirit exists in all the other elements and binds them together. Spirit is within us, around us and spirit guides us. It forms a bridge between the 4 elements, that we can either feel or touch, and our body and soul. These 5 elements combined form the pentagram. Interesting fact: For the Christians it is the symbol of the five senses, that combined gives you all the information of the world around you. If you combine the five elements you can invoke the Gods and the elements to be able to do your magical work. 

To form a circle we call upon the elements to join and protect us, it is the beginning of the ritual. This way we call in the corners and the elements connected to it. 

I call upon the element of North, of earth and stability, come join and protect us. I bid you hail and welcome.

I call upon the element of East, of air and inspiration, come join and protect us. I bid you hail and welcome.

I call upon the element of South, of fire and passion, come join and protect us. I bid you hail and welcome

I call upon the element of West, of water and cleansing, come join and protect us. I bid you hail and welcome

And with the ending of this manuscript i say farewell to the elements like we do in the circle, merry meet, merry part and merry meet again. 

I call upon the element of North of earth and stability. We thank you for joining us, we bid you hail and farewell.

I call upon the element of East, of air and inspiration. We thank you for joining us, we bid you hail and farewell.

I call upon the element of South, of fire and passion, we thank you for joining us, we bid you hail, and farewell

I call upon the element of West, of water and cleansing. We thank you for joining us, we bid you hail and farewell. 

In this chant you see the representation of the elements of the body and mind and their connection.

Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit.