Northern Hemisphere Date: May 1

Southern Hemisphere Date: October 31 


Dance around the maypole, make love and dance! Everything is blooming; summer is near! You can hear nature screaming in excitement (or lust). It is the festival of fertility. All is about flowering and fertilizing. It is the opposite of Samhain when everything dies. Beltaine is the celebration of light and of life! It is the celebration of life, love, passion, and fire! The god and the goddess unite! In old times, fires were made, and the cattle were driven through it; the fire purified and increased fertility.

Things to do

  • Dance around the maypole; the pole is a phallic symbol, the ribbons are feminine symbols.
  • Celebrate your own female or male energy, your sensuality.
  • Have some good sex :)

Fun facts

  • Beltaine is the opposite of Samhain, where the veils between the world of the dead and living are the thinnest. In Celtic mythology, it is said that the living can now leave their world to visit the world of the fairies.
  • Beltaine is the traditional day to get handfasted.