Northern Hemisphere Date: September 19-22

Southern Hemisphere Date: March 20-23 

Autumn Equinox - Equinox means equal day & night

The beginning of the fall, the summer is over; day and night are the same length for a little while, but darker days are coming. There is a balance, and we are aware that we should prepare for the darker times. Life is retreating slowly back into the earth. It is the second harvest festival of the year, the fruit harvest. What we harvest now is the seed we will use to make things bloom again. A time to think about what your harvest is and what you have released (make up the balance). In older days, the farmers knew how well their harvest was and how well-fed the animals were to go into the winter. Give thanks for all the things you have and let go of what you don't want anymore.

Things to do

  • Look back at your own harvest of this year; what makes you happy?
  • It is a time to finish things; think about what you can complete or have to stop.
  • Bake a pie or crumble or make jam from the local fruits growing in the wild.

Fun facts

  • Oktoberfest and Thanksgiving originate from harvest festivals that are related to the Autumn equinox.